last modification 2024/7




Translation @Langtory

“İki Kapu Yoldaşları” (1885) Hovsep Kurban (Armeno-Turkish)

“Théâtre de la Turquie” (1682) Michel Febvre (Fransızca-Türkçe)

“Âges et usages de la langue arménienne” (1989) Marc Nichanian (Fransızca-Türkçe)


Sociolinguistics in Turkey @Langtory

International Team (Europe-Turkey)

2025-2035: Digi-Anatolia Data – Languages in Turkey: Documentation and preservation of languages by developing applied linguistics methods with cross-linguistics and cross-cultural approaches


Ottoman-Turkish Linguistics @Langtory

I. Ermeni harfli (EhT)/Grek harfli (GhT) Türkçe çalışma ekibi

Direction: Pınar Karakılçık EhT (UPC), Eleni Georgiou GhT (Cyprus), Pınar Tokat GhT (Marmara)

Atölye – Kıbrıs-Beyrut-Yerevan-Istanbul-Paris (2024-2028)

II. Projects

International Team (France/Europe-Turkey)

2025-2035: Databank and Sociolinguistics of Ottoman-Turkish (Great Corpus of Turkish Language Multilingual Grammars and Dictionaries in various scripts and languages such as French, Greek, Karamanlidika, Italian, German)

2025-2035: Comparative Linguistic Corpora of the historical Turkish language written in various scripts

2025-2030: Punctuation system and the Prosody of the historical Turkish language in various scripts

2025-2035: Evolution of the Turkish Language in contact


Ottoman-Turkish Culture @Langtory

International Team (France/Europe-Turkey)

from 2025: Langtory exhibition of language debates in cartoons

2025-2035: Cross-linguistic documentation of animal names in Ottoman-Turkish Culture with an eco-political approach

2025-2035: Mapping multilingual Oriental Seyahatnames within the framework of linguistic landscape and language documentation (Ottoman, Armenian, Greek and European Seyahatnames)

2025-2035: Ottoman-Turkish Teolinguistics

2025-2030: Diplomatik arşivlerde “Özür” kavramının incelemesi

2025-2030: Cross-linguistics analysis of the concepts of “Türk” and “Nerelisin”


WS/CP & Festives

(öngörülen plan)

2024 Landscape 1 + Ottoman Theater 1 + Ottoman Manuscripts 1

2025 Summer School 1 + Festival 1 + Typologie 1 Seyahatname

2026 Francophonie 1 + Typologie 2 AnimaLing + CP

2027 Landscape 2 + Summer School 2 + Teoling

2028 Festival 2 + Typologie 3 + CP

2029 Summer School 3 + CP

2030 Landscape 3 + Typologie 4

2031 Francophonie 2 + Festival 3


Armeno-Turkish Projects (2025-2035) @Langtory @EhTLab

which will be carried out with the outputs of the MEKHITAR Archive project (from 2024-Vienna Uni)

EhT Lab – International Team (TBA)

Coordinator Assist.: Pınar Karakılçık (UPC) with

 Tabita Toparlak (Yeditepe) – Zeynep Seza Yılmaz (İstanbul)


2025-2035 International Team (Europe-Turkey-Armenia-USA)

Linguistics-Grammars-Dictionaries and Art Section


Opening 2025 1st Armeno-Turkish Workshop

& 2026 Armenian in the Ottoman Empire Workshop


2024-2035: Back to the Future:

TransLang Theater (Plays, Archives, Exp. Corpus & Perf. by Langtory)


From 2024:

Mekhitar printed and handwritten text recognition AI for Ottoman-Turkish Languages (Ottoman Turkish, Armenian, Karamanlidika, Arabic, Uygur, Persian, Greek, Syriac, etc.)

Çelebi Text Analysis technology & NLP for Ottoman-Turkish Languages (Ottoman Turkish, Armenian, Karamanlidika, Armeno-Turkish, Arabic, Uygur, Persian, Kurdish, Greek, Syriac, etc.)


From 2024:

Mekhitar edition of “Akabi Hikayesi” in Armeno-Turkish & into Turkish, English, Armenian

Mekhitar edition of Armeno-Turkish dynamic transcription system for general use and linguistic analysis 


2025-2035: Great Corpus of Armeno-Turkish (Historical Sociolinguistics)

2025-2035: The treasure of the Turkish language in Armenian script (Compiled multilingual dictionaries)

2025-2035: Sociolinguistics of Armeno-Turkish Grammars (Multilingual grammars)

2025-2035: Comparative Corpus of Armeno-Turkish/Karamanlidika (Historical Sociolinguists)

2025-2035: Selected Works in Translation in the age of technology (into French, English, Armenian)

2025-2030: Educational linguistics in history (Exp. Intro, Children’s books and textbooks)

2025-2030: Punctuation and Prosody in Armeno-Turkish/Karamanlidika

2025-2030: Kıpçak (Turkish, Armenian and Armeno-Turkish)

2025-2035: Comparative Art History through works in Armeno-Turkish/Armenian

2025-2035: Tiyatro-Tadron Journal Corpus (in Armeno-Turkish/Armenian/Ottoman-Turkish)


2025-2030: Tadron Ottoman Theater Oral History fieldwork in Turkey, Lebanon and Europe


from 2024: Preparing Armeno-Turkish/Karamanlidika Literature – Linguistics Curriculum


from 2025: Tadron Madron (Cultural Studies Journal & Channel & Podcast)


from 2025: Mutfak International Festival (Ottoman Archive, Language and Food)




@Langtory – Üzüm Lab projelerin akademik-sosyal araştırma ve fon vb. başvurularına hazırlık altyapı çalışmalarının yürütüleceği mutfak konumundadır. Projeler, Langtory mutfakta pişerek akademik başvurulara hazırlanacaktır. Projelerle ilgili koordinasyon, workshop vb. etkinlikler Langtory üzerinden yürütülecektir. Workshop vb. etkinlikler ve mutfağımız Langtory YouTube kanalı üzerinden yurtta ve cihanda toplumlarımızın erişime açıktır.


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